卡帕阿尔法秩序是现代绅士的道德指南针,并为其成员提供终身体验. 作为一个骑士团,我们的分会将拥有我们共同价值观的人聚集在一起: Reverence, Gentility, Knowledge, Leadership, Brotherhood, and Excellence. With a rich history and amazing experiences, KA helps keep your compass true, aiming you toward a successful future.

Instagram: @ka_deltastate          Email: kappaalpha@ospifse.net


Kappa Sigma is the largest college fraternity in the world, and our network is scattered throughout North America. Kappa Sigma has 305 active chapters and colonies, more than 17,000 undergraduate members, and at least 200,000 living alumni. 我们是一个志愿者驱动的组织,每个分会都有自己的校友支持. Choosing Kappa Sigma is more than joining a fraternity; it is a life-changing decision that ultimately will better your life.

Instagram: @kappasigma_dsu          Email: kappasigma@ospifse.net


派克致力于培养正直、智慧和高尚道德品质的人. 我们寻求尊重自己、同龄人和社区的人,正如我们的 True Pike values. 我们鼓励会员参与分会提供的社区服务和慈善活动. 派克认为,对服务的承诺是个人发展的关键部分. 派克还通过会员发展项目学习社交技巧和礼仪, as well as mixers and formals.

Instagram: @dsu_pikes          Email: pike@ospifse.net


Through friendship, scholarship, leadership, and service, SAE发现具有无可挑剔的性格的人,并帮助他们实现他们的全部潜力, 让他们站起来面对摆在他们面前的每一个挑战——今天和明天. 我们通过培养我们的成员成为真正的绅士来实现这一目标.

Instagram: @sae_deltastate          Email: sae@ospifse.net

Interfraternity Council

博爱理事会(IFC)是DSU四个兄弟会的管理机构. Every man who joins an IFC member group is a member of IFC. 每个团体都有一名代表或分会代表参加国际金融公司的会议. 这些人是国际金融公司与其分会之间的沟通纽带. 国际金融公司通过促进以下四个领域的活动为兄弟会之间的互动提供了机会: Scholarship, Leadership, Social, and Philanthropy.


DSU兄弟会的成员对我们的奖学金水平感到非常自豪. 新成员和兄弟会理事会(Interfraternity Council)的平均成绩通常都超过该校所有男生的平均成绩. 兄弟会非常重视鼓励、发展和监督学生的学业进步.

每章提供的导师、学习计划和其他激励措施都表明了这一目标. Additionally, 兄弟会成员的时间管理技能在他们努力达到理想的学业目标的同时,也在履行分会的职责.


兄弟会的成员资格为你提供了许多参与领导角色的机会. 作为分会干事或分会活动或社区服务项目的协调人, you can further your leadership skills. 每个章节都有委员会结构,允许你参与组织的所有运作方面. Additionally, 章节提供诸如时间管理等领域的教育规划, leadership, diversity, communication, and overall health and well-being. 希腊人还参加全校范围内的领导活动,兄弟会成员可以在学生会中找到, Union Program Council, and many leadership and academic honor societies. 许多其他组织有兄弟会成员,许多组织由这些人领导. 参与和积极参与活动使兄弟会成员能够发展在当今快节奏的就业市场中取得成功所必需的知识和技能.


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的兄弟会系统提供了多种多样的活动选择,使成员接触到各种各样的社会项目和活动. Formal, homecoming, Greek week, 分会务静会都支持把人们聚集在一起发展兄弟情谊的目标. Development of values, traditions, 和荣誉有助于促进个人发展以及每个分会整体发展的社会项目的兄弟间承诺. 所有兄弟会都奉行负责任的社会政策,促进兄弟会之间的标准,以仔细规划安全的社会活动.

三角洲州博爱理事会分会支持为校园服务的强大传统, community, state, and nation. Each year fraternity men donate thousands of dollars and, more importantly, thousands of hours to various charities. 每个兄弟会都专注于国家慈善事业,但都向地方机构提供服务. 因为兄弟会在人数和组织方面的优势, 这些人在帮助社区的努力中取得了巨大的成功.

North-American Interfraternity Council

The North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), founded in 1909, 这个行业协会代表69个国际和全国男子兄弟会吗. The NIC serves to advocate the needs of its member fraternities through enrichment of the fraternity experience; advancement and growth of the fraternity community; and enhancement of the educational mission of the host institutions, 它是一个伞形组织,KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载国际金融公司是其创始成员.NIC代表了各种各样的国际/国家男子兄弟会, including historically black, multicultural and emerging organizations. The Conference is governed by its Constitution and Bylaws, 定期审查和更新,以最好地满足信息委员会成员的需要,并为会议提供有效和高效的治理机制. The NIC’s member fraternities also a set of Standards that each member fraternity upholds, and Position Statements 指导会员在兄弟会生活中的关键问题上的立场.

Our Chapters

Kappa Alpha Order

Founded: Washington and Lee University – December 21, 1865
Colors: Crimson and Old Gold
Flowers: Magnolia Blossom and Red Rose
Mascot: Lion
Symbol: Crimson Cross
Motto: “Dieu et les dames” – For God and Womanhood

Philanthropy: Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Independence Fund

Chapter Facebook     |     Chapter Instagram
National Website     |     National Instagram

Kappa Sigma

Founded: Bologna, Italy – 1400
DSU Founding: January 11, 1975
Colors: Scarlet, White, and Emerald Green
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Motto: AEKDB
Open Motto: Bononia Docet

Philanthropy: Military Heroes Campaign

Chapter Facebook     |     Chapter Instagram
National Website
     |     National Instagram

Pi Kappa Alpha

Founded: University of Virginia – March 1, 1868
DSU Founding: December 15, 1963
Colors: Garnet and Old Gold
Flower: Lily of the Valley
Mascot: Fireman
Symbol: Oak Tree, Shield, and Diamond
Vision Statement: “To set the standard of integrity, intellect, and achievement for our members, host institutions, and the communities in which we live.”

Philanthropy: Ryan Gibson Foundation for Fighting Leukemia and Cycle for Life

Chapter Facebook     |     Chapter Instagram
National Website     |     National Instagram

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Founded: University of Alabama — March 9, 1856
DSU Founding: 2012
Colors: Royal Purple and Old Gold
Flower: Violet
Mascot: Lion
Symbol: OPhoenix, Minerva, and Fleur-de-lis
Motto: Phi Alpha

Philanthropy: Children’s Miracle Network

Chapter Facebook     |     Chapter Instagram
National Website     |     National Instagram



If you are interested in joining one of our IFC fraternities, 请直接发邮件给他们或联系IFC顾问Elizabeth Branton ebranton@ospifse.net.

Register for Fall 2024 Fraternity Recruitment